Skull Skates: Third Try Thursdays at Spanish Banks

Skull Skates team riders Tim Ladner, Dylan Maranda & Evan Moy going big and small with all the locals on one of the many hot lows at the Spanish Banks, British Columbia. For being shitty videos they are pretty good.…

2013 DB Skimboards Pro/AM video

Skimboarders from around the world skimboard at Dash Point in Ferderal Way, Washington for one of the largest skimboarding competitions in flatland skimboarding. Great edit by Trevor Stine. Don’t forget we will be releasing our own edit in the next…

TK All Day | 2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding

2GNAR riders Mitch Lyon and Tyler Kelly [DBSKIMBOARDS] got together the last week in July to film a solid sesh before TK went off to teach skateboarding camps at Camp Woodward, this is what they came up with . All…

2013 Chambers Creek Throwdown

Come on out to the 2013 Chambers Creek Throwdown Saturday August 10th. This years event features six mini comps that will be divided into two divisions: Open Men and U-16. Riders will compete in the following categories: Longest Ride Highest…

Wake & Bake | Dillon Phillips | 2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding

2GNAR TEXAS FLATLAND SKIMBOARDING presents .. Wake and Bake featuring cypress creek local Dillon Phillips summer 2013 full length flatland skimboarding part [watch at 720p] Filmed&Edited| Mitchell Elder Additional Filmers| Wilson Girton, Johnathan Cisneros 2GNAR TEXAS FLATLAND SKIMBOARDING

2013 Polish Skimboarding Flatland Magazine Preview

Witnessing the Polish Skimboarding Open in person this year was rad. It is easily one of, it not, the best flatland skimboarding contest in the world. We are working on a special issue about the Polish Skimboarding Open with well…

Terasawa Girls Skimboard Festival

A look into the Terasawa Girls Skimboard Festival in Nagoya, Japan through the eyes of Jen Jacobs and Keiao Gucwa-Bucasas. Day 1 Start of a 7 day trip to Nagoya, Japan for the Terasawa Girls Skimboard Festival. The sport of…

UST: 2013 Outer Banks Skim Jam Video

Small waves and sunny skies were the name of the game at the 2013 OBX contest. Technical skimboarding dominated the event and those who couldn’t keep up didn’t make the cut. Austin Keen took the win at this event marking…

2013 Exile Skimboards Taiwan Contest

Through skimboarding, the Exile Skimboards crew became close friends with people who they otherwise would have never met, and they travelled together to places we otherwise would not have gone. The 2013 Exile Skimboard Taiwan Contest once again spread the…

Skim Mermaids: Internacional de Skimboard de Santa Cruz

Kelli Bean takes the time to ask some questions to Sofia Lopes winner of the Internacional de Skimboard de Santa Cruz. Q: Tell us about the history of this competition? A: The Internacional de Skimboard Contest in Santa Cruz started…

About Skim Magazine
Skim Magazine is your source for skimboarding news featuring the best skimboarding videos, skimboarding photos and skimboarding stories from around the world.

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Which Skimboard is right for me?
You’ve seen those guys ripping through the shallow waves and/or hitting rails at the beach, and now you want to be one of them. Skimboarding is on the rise, and with increased popularity comes more brands, more sizes, and more confusion for the buyer. Here, we’ll boil down skimboarding to the basics, so you can find the right board and start riding. [Learn More]
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