Laurent Lozes pushes the limits of the skimboarding by attacking the tidal surge / flash flood on his skimboard. Looks scary at first, but then it looks like so much fun we want’t to try if out ourselves!
Skim2Live Recap Video by 2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding
2GNAR TEXAS FLATLAND SKIMBOARDING presents…Skim2live hosted Skimjam 10 July 15th, 2017. 10 YEARS OF S2L skimjams! This year Professional Flatland Skimboarders Isaac Thomas (DB), Logan Davidson (71), Casey Gackle(DB) and Ruben Gutierrez(71) traveled to Texas for the final skimjam contest.…
2017 DB Pro/AM Results and Photos
The annual DB Pro/AM went down at Dash Point outside of Seattle, Washington last week with SeventyOne team rider Logan Davidson taking first place. Local photographer, Mel Levin, was kind enough to send over some photos from the skimboard contest…