1 Sam Stinnett
2 Brandon Sears
3 Morgan Just
4 James Lovett
5 Bill Bryan
6 Brandon Rothe
7 Paulo Prietto
8 Austin Keen
9 Jake Stinnett
10 Tim Fulton
11 Harley Nelson
12 Hunter Poller
13 Teddy Vlasis
14 Mathieu Thibaud
15 Brad Domke
16 Michael Brickle
17 Patrick Mack
18 Stephen Bradford
19 Cheyne Terjesen
20 Steve Taylor
21 Corey Hanks
22 Jason Wilson
23 Woody Harris
24 Aaron Fujimoto
25 Zack Hoag
26 Tommy D’eliscu
27 Noah Alani
28 Dominic Prietto
29 Keith Peery
30 Tomomitsu Masushita
31 Koty Lopez
32 Zach Smetts
33 Alex Hood
34 Brendan Stevens
35 Ryan Parola
Unofficial tally has Bill Bryan taking the 2009 UST Tour crown. We will confirm the results shortly.
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