Paulo Prietto is one of the most influential people in skimboarding; he has been pushing the sport inside and outside the water for years, besides, he´s one of the most unique human beings you could ever meet, he gave us…
Throwback Thursday: Exile Skimboards Paulo Prietto video segment
Paulo Prietto is one of the bigger names in skimboarding for many reasons, not the least of which is his sick skimboarding skills! Watch this video for proof! This video is made from leftover footage from the filming of the…
Green Eggs And Am 2012
2012 Skim contest put on by Steve Taylor and Paulo Prietto features some of the best Amateur skimboarders in the world taking to the waves in a 3 part, triple crown event!
Mostly 2012 Cabo Classic Video
The Cabo Classic is always one of the most exciting skimboarding contests on the United Skim Tour.
VIDEO: Blair Conklin, Paulo Prietto, Austin Keen and Woody Harris at Aliso
Blair Conklin, Paulo Prietto, Austin Keen, and Woody Harris at Aliso- Coming Soon. from Dade Shields on Vimeo. Blair Conklin, Paulo Prietto, Austin Keen, and Woody Harris at Aliso. This is the trailer to One Way productions new film. All…
Paulo Prietto Skimboarding Segment
Another amazing edit by Exile Skimboards of Paulo Prietto. Paulo Prietto is one of the bigger names in skimboarding for many reasons, not the least of which is his sick skimboarding skills! Watch this video for proof! This video is…
Batardubreak – Un jeudi à la plage
Aliso Beach – May 2010 – with Paulo Prietto, Jack Bedex, Andy Chiavetta…
Exile Skimboards Team Mix Tape
A downbeat little skimboarding video featuring Exile Skimboarders team riders such as Paulo Prietto, Jake Stinnett, George Bryan, Brendan Stevens, Sam Stinnett, etc…
Lunchbreak Sesh
Paulo Prietto, Tim Fulton, Brandon Sears are captured in this video shot at West St. during a 62 minute lunch break.