The DB Skimboards guys are constantly skimboarding even when it is freezing outside. DB team riders Isaac Thomas and Blake Zimmerman snagged some skimboards and headed to a new winter skim spot in Tacoma, Washington with photographer Matt McDonald. As…
Slappy Squad is back
After not skimming much last season we’re back in action and enjoyed a march 1st flatland sesh to shake off the cobwebs, no boxes just beach! Enjoy!
Chambers Creek Throwdown Photos and Results
Photos of the 2011 Chambers Creek Throwdown by Matt McDonald. For more photo and videos from the Northwest Skim Tour make sure to check out VIEW ALL OF THE PHOTOS FROM THE CONTEST Results from the 2011 Chambers Creek…
Chambers Creek Throwdown this Saturday
This Saturday, August 6th, DB will be holding our annual Chamber’s Creek Throwdown! Chamber’s Creek is definitely the more laid back of our two annual comps and provides for a legit time in one of the best skim settings around.…
GoPro Video: 2010 Chambers Creek Throwdown
The 2010 Chambers Creek Throwdown took place in Tacoma, Washington. Everyone shredded despite the 60 degree temps. Some gnarly tricks and falls went down on the ghetto tech rail setups that chambers in known for.