Hurricane trick tip Ryan cook & Collin Hager : DOWN SOUTH MOB

Down South MOB riders Collin Hager and DB skimboards team rider Ryan Cook explain the ins and outs of a Hurricane. More media coming soon. Song- After school Dom Kennedy

GNARFEST 2014 [am divison] video

2GNAR TEXAS FLATLAND SKIMBOARDING presents ..GNARFEST 2014 (AM Divison) Results/Video Ethan Williams scores high for his 2nd consecutive win in the Texas am division, Winning him $50 cash prize and a brand new skim from DB SKimboards, Ethan also won…


2GNAR TEXAS FLATLAND SKIMBOARDING presents .. GNARFEST 2014 Here is the (advanced) pro contest from the 3rd Annual 2GNAR TEXAS FLATLAND SKIMBOARDING event GNARFEST, everyone was throwing down! thanks everyone for coming out and supporting Texas Flatland Skimboarding. RESULTS –…


This weekend marks the 3rd Annual 2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding event GNARFEST . If you are in the Texas area we encourage you to come check it out and skim. sponsored by Db Skimboards, Conspiracy Skimboards, Eelsnot board therapy,…

New Frontier : The Texas Hill Country

2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding presents .. J-Gordon Skimboards team rider Mitch Daues & DB skimboards rider Mitch Elder embark on the New Frontier of Texas Hill Country skimboarding *put some headphones in and watch at 720p*

Skim Jam seven weekend

2GNAR TEXAS FLATLAND SKIMBOARDING presents.. DB Skimboards pros Isaac Thomas and Blake Zimmerman make their way down to Cypress,TX once again for the Skim2Live flatland skimboarding contest “skimjam” what a badass weekend {minus the 14 staples I had to get…

A Summer Promo

Mitch Lyon presents .. A 2014 Summer Promo From Cypress Texas 2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding Dashboard Skimboarding Company Kayotics Skimboards and Lifestyles J-Gordon Skimboards Flatland Magazine Skim2Live The gnarliest tricks and the gnarliest falls, get hyped for the 2014…


DB SKIMBOARDS Texas squad teases with a few tricks. filmed may 2013 skimmers| Ryan Cook, Ryan Efaw, Mitch Elder Filmed| Tyler Kelly Edit| Mitch Elder  DB SKIMBOARDS 2GNAR SKIMBOARDING SKIM2LIVE   texas skimboarding    


2GNAR TEXAS FLATLAND SKIMBOARDING presents .. GNARFEST 2013 || 2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding contest sponsored by EELSNOT, ZED SKIMBOARDS, CONSPIRACY SKIMBOARDS, DB SKIMBOARDS Nick Reeves – dub grab   Standings| 50 $ cash prize plus prizes 19 & under| 1st…

2GNAR | GNARFEST 2013 Results & Photos

  2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding hosted GNARFEST 2013 last saturday in Cypress, Texas . Sponsored by DB Skimboards, Zed Skimboards,Conspiracy Skimboards, Eelsnot and Flatland Magazine. Here are results and a few photos from the event | photos by Cameron Hagen…

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Skim Magazine is your source for skimboarding news featuring the best skimboarding videos, skimboarding photos and skimboarding stories from around the world.

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Which Skimboard is right for me?
You’ve seen those guys ripping through the shallow waves and/or hitting rails at the beach, and now you want to be one of them. Skimboarding is on the rise, and with increased popularity comes more brands, more sizes, and more confusion for the buyer. Here, we’ll boil down skimboarding to the basics, so you can find the right board and start riding. [Learn More]