Sandy Crack Skimboards 150 foot long skim pool can be set up anywhere that is flat! You no longer need a river, lake or ocean to skim. Follow us on Facebook to see where we set it up next!
A Summer Promo
Mitch Lyon presents .. A 2014 Summer Promo From Cypress Texas 2GNAR Texas Flatland Skimboarding Dashboard Skimboarding Company Kayotics Skimboards and Lifestyles J-Gordon Skimboards Flatland Magazine Skim2Live The gnarliest tricks and the gnarliest falls, get hyped for the 2014…
2GNAR skim-zine
Enjoy the first issue of 2GNAR SKIM-ZINE. This project was started in January 2013. It features the progression of Flatland Skimboarding , Originally this project was made for print. It was finished in December 2013 with a few limited printed…