Skim Daddy and The boys

Conspiracy Skimboards rider Devin Poulton just dropped a new edit featuring skim sessions at Balmers and Enderby in British Columbia. This flatland skimboarding edit features Devin Poulton, Alexander Poulton, Josh James Meadows-Brushetto, Thomas Bell, Andrew Roosdahl, Anthony Davis, Brian Greenfield…

Skim Groms: Noah Woodin and Mikhail Hanning

In an effort to get more skimboards stoked on skimboarding and improving their skim skills we are doing a series of features groms. This week we are featuring Noah Woodin and Mikhail Hanning from the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia,…

Lonesome Hunter (Spanish Banks Skimboarding)

Evan Moy, Tim Ladner and Quincy Fox go for a skimboarding session in British Columbia, Canada. The filming and editing was done by Quincy Fox. The boards used in this video is the Skull Skates skimboards hatchets. You can pick…

Winter skimboarding session at Wreck Beach

Join the Wrecking crew of Bryce Dickson, Trevor Gatto, and Tim Ladner, as they skim the frigid shores of Wreck beach on a cold November afternoon. With piercingly cold waters and broken skim rails they manage, or at least Trevor…

Introducing Lobster Skimboards

A new skim brand out of Vancouver, British Columbia recently launched called Lobster Skimboards. Checkout their fan page HERE. Here is a sample of one of their new boards: “The Claw is the perfect board for riders looking to take…

Tideless Tarp

Tideless Tarp from Peasant Productions on Vimeo. Tired of bad tides? Clark and Lynch sesh their man made puddle to prove skim can exist without the beach.

Insufficient Funds

Kyda Creations in association with Peasant Productions is proud to present Insufficient Funds: A Flatland Skim Movie. Join team riders Kyle Lynch, Dane Clark, Tim Ladner, and Shea De Vries as they seek bona fide video parts throughout the summer…

The Spanish Banker

The Spanish Banker. from Joy Footage on Vimeo. Roberto Gonzalez-Milroy from Kayotics Skimboards tears up Spanish Bands in Vancouver BC.

SSK: Spring Breaking

Pablo Corry and Dylan Maranda session a board over spring break… Celebrating the first day that you don’t have to wear a wetsuit.

Kayotics Decade Video Teaser

The crew that changed the game is releasing an in depth rider interview and flash back video to tell the story of “Skimboards And Lifestyles from the last 10 years. Decade is scheduled to drop sometime in August or September…

About Skim Magazine
Skim Magazine is your source for skimboarding news featuring the best skimboarding videos, skimboarding photos and skimboarding stories from around the world.

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Which Skimboard is right for me?
You’ve seen those guys ripping through the shallow waves and/or hitting rails at the beach, and now you want to be one of them. Skimboarding is on the rise, and with increased popularity comes more brands, more sizes, and more confusion for the buyer. Here, we’ll boil down skimboarding to the basics, so you can find the right board and start riding. [Learn More]