Skim Daddy and The boys

Conspiracy Skimboards rider Devin Poulton just dropped a new edit featuring skim sessions at Balmers and Enderby in British Columbia. This flatland skimboarding edit features Devin Poulton, Alexander Poulton, Josh James Meadows-Brushetto, Thomas Bell, Andrew Roosdahl, Anthony Davis, Brian Greenfield…

Conspiracy Skimboards Beach Party Skim Jam

Conspiracy Skimboards threw a Beach Party Skim Jam in White Rock, British Columbia, Canada last weekend. Some standouts from the skim jam were Logan Davidson and Devin Poulton. The event was not a contest and was low key skim jam…

2014 DB Pro/AM Skimboarding Edit

Here’s the skimboarding video edit of the 2014 DB Pro/AM by EqualMotion. This video features the music of Zion I and the song Coastin. You can watch Zion I perform the song live here. The 2014 DB Skimboards Pro/AM took…

2014 DB Pro/AM skimboarding contest photos and results

The 2014 DB Skimboards Pro/AM took place on a beautiful Saturday afternoon at Dash Point, in Federal Way, Washington. To the surprise of no one Isaac Thomas took the pro division win again with his brother Josiah Thomas taking first…

Lonesome Hunter (Spanish Banks Skimboarding)

Evan Moy, Tim Ladner and Quincy Fox go for a skimboarding session in British Columbia, Canada. The filming and editing was done by Quincy Fox. The boards used in this video is the Skull Skates skimboards hatchets. You can pick…

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Which Skimboard is right for me?
You’ve seen those guys ripping through the shallow waves and/or hitting rails at the beach, and now you want to be one of them. Skimboarding is on the rise, and with increased popularity comes more brands, more sizes, and more confusion for the buyer. Here, we’ll boil down skimboarding to the basics, so you can find the right board and start riding. [Learn More]