DB Skimboards team rider Cody Maurer is an up and coming skimboarder out of St. George, Utah. You can often find Cody at the Virgin River waterfall throwing down 270 front boards. Make sure to keep your eyes open for Cody to push the limits of what can be done on a skimboard.
Q&A with Cody Maurer
Birthdate: 3-10-1997
Years Riding: 5 years
What skimboard do you ride: Sac Pro
Local hood: St. Geezy
Who do you go skimboarding with: Brandon Pectol
Where is your local skim spot: Virgin River waterfall
Favorite Trick: 270 front board.
Favorite skim event: Sac Town Throwdown
What you do when you aren’t skimboarding: When I’m not skimboarding I do allot of skating and snowboarding.
How, when and where did you discover skimboarding: My parents brought me a cheep skimboard back from Hawaii and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Quote to live by: Think less live more.
The one thing you buy at a gas station: I always have to have my hi chews.