Words: Dylan Maranda | Sessions Skim Krew
As the summer approaches here in BC mother nature seems to tease us with pockets of sun and warmth that, usually, are too unexpected to predict. SSK and Kyda were quick to take advantage of a predicted sunny day. What came out of about three days planning was the boys at Kyda Creation Kyle Lynch, Tim Ladner and Dane Clarke meeting up with myself and Matt Taylor to session a newly built box.
We were greeted with cold winds and frigid water, but the tides were gorgeous and too good to pass up. We hit it with wetsuits and booties and braved the cold for about two hours. With Kyle, Dane and I on our own cameras we were quick to capture the tricks being laid down by Matt and Tim. Tim Lander’s big in/big out and frontside 3 out were a few of the many.
As cold as it was I think everyone was glad to get back in the water and start gearing up for the 2011 season with big plans for both Kyda and SSK. As most know Kyda is getting ready to drop “Insufficient Funds”, a packed flatland movie that will probably be nothing short of spectacular as well as SSK beginning lay out plans for multiple edits and rider parts to be released through the season.
Enjoy the quick edit and stay out of those off season blues!