Skim centric clothing with Prcptn

Prcptn clothing is based in the Pacific Northwest and has been pumping out clothing and supporting the skim scene since 1992. PRCPTN provides a platform for undiscovered talent to showcase their unique abilities and skills. Team rider Blake Zimmerman sporting…

Dude You Gotta Catch That Ripple!

On August 19th, 2011 we dropped the teaser for this, this video marks the year that brought us into skimming for real. All this footage is from the year and some how the fell on the back burning and should…

Seattle Skimboarding Session

A summer day at Alki Beach. Living it up and soaking in the sun the best way possible…skimboarding. This edit features Washington skimboarders Nick Vincent, Reily Goldberg and Cedar Coba skimboarding at Alki Beach in Seattle, Washington. The video was…

New Skimboarding Film Pipe Dreams Available on

Join Kyle Lynch’s subconscious on a skimboarding adventure of epic proportions. Featuring: Tim Ladner, Anthony Davis, Shea Devries, Dane Clark, Aaron Clark, Ryan Stewart, Dylan Maranda, Trevor Stine, Chris Powell and Kyle Lynch. Filmed/Edited/Produced by Kyle Lynch Creative In association…

In Time, On Time: Back Lip Trick Tip

In the first installment of “In Time, On Time”, team rider Emile Panerio takes you through some simple steps to learning one of his favorite tricks, the backside lipslide. all music rights belong to BBC (Shuffle).

Skimboarding Bankslides

A video featuring skimboarding bankslides in Bellingham, Washington. This video was featured in the most recent issue of Flatland Magazine as part of the 2012 DB Streamline Pro review.

New Flatland Magazine: Volume 2 Issue 4

The final issue of Flatland Magazine was released today. It features content from the Washington, California, British Columbia, Hawaii and the Philippines. The main feature is a photo spread of the 2012 Sacramento Skimfest by Wyatt Brown. The flats photo…

Chambers Creek Skim Session

Addison Foote, Thomas Crook, Dillon Manwaring and Cameron Manwaring drove up from St. George Utah to check out the scene and prepare for the competition the next day.

Isaac and Josiah Thomas Spring 2012 Edit

Brothers Isaac and Josiah Thomas team up for a little spring edit. Enjoy!

Brad Domke in Stab Magazine

Floridian Brad Domke, pictured here, has called his sport ‘skurfing’ since he was 13. If you’ve never seen the kid doing his thing, picture Chippa Wilson jacked up on goofballs with far more limb-flailing (a necessity for maintaining a line) and a finless, disc-like board under his feet.

About Skim Magazine
Skim Magazine is your source for skimboarding news featuring the best skimboarding videos, skimboarding photos and skimboarding stories from around the world.

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Which Skimboard is right for me?
You’ve seen those guys ripping through the shallow waves and/or hitting rails at the beach, and now you want to be one of them. Skimboarding is on the rise, and with increased popularity comes more brands, more sizes, and more confusion for the buyer. Here, we’ll boil down skimboarding to the basics, so you can find the right board and start riding. [Learn More]