Do you have a great idea for a skimboarding feature? Now is the time to show us your best rail idea for our RailWerx feature contest.
We are now taking submissions through July 16 2014 for the contest.
Here’s the requirements:
– The design must be at least a 900 pixel JPG image. Preferably bigger we would like a larger image, but that is the minimum requirement.
– The design must be original.
– Email the image of the design with a name for the rail to Make sure to include your name in the email.
The contest will be open for a public voting period and the top three designs with the most votes will go onto a final selection chosen by the Skim Magazine staff.
The winner will receive:
– A Bro tank,
– A flat brim hat,
The prizes are worth over $200!
If you want to checkout more of the sweet stuff coming from RailWerx checkout: