HomeInstagramInstabanger: Tim Ladner at the Spanish Banks Skim Jam today in British Columbia. Stoked to see so many people at the beach today! #skimboarding Instagram Instabanger: Tim Ladner at the Spanish Banks Skim Jam today in British Columbia. Stoked to see so many people at the beach today! #skimboarding Check out this new rad skimboarding photo from the depths of Instagram! Tim Ladner at the Spanish Banks Skim Jam today in British Columbia. Stoked to see so many people at the beach today! #skimboarding Follow us on Instagram at: @skimmagazine Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrLike this:Like Loading... Editor The editor of Skim Magazine, Flatland Magazine and Skim.co. Share This Previous ArticleDB Skimboards: Full-length Skimboard RUN released on YouTube Next ArticleInstabanger: @lucasfink98 with the double grab at 10th Street. Photo by @lagunasocal #skimboarding August 15, 2015