We got the opportunity to talk with northwest skimmer and Dashboards team rider Blake Zimmerman.
Read on…
What’s your name?
Sir Blakely “Hung Daddy” Zimmerman
Where are you from?
Eff dub, WA
How old are you?
How long have you been skimming?
1095 days, give or take
Where do you skim normally?
Dash point
Who do you skim with?
The savage skim krew: David Fison, Adam Crittenden, Logan Davidon, Miles Van Zee, Mexi josh, Matt scott, and Tony Reifel.
Where have you traveled to skimboard?
Sacramento, White Rock, St. George utah and the ocean.
Where do you want to travel to skim?
What board(s) do you ride?
The ones that Tim Mackey gives me to ride
Do you compete?
Yea dawg
If so, what competitions have you competed in?
Skimfest, the DB pro/am, Virgin River Classic, Lakeside Rail Jam, and Chambers Creek Throwdown
And what are some of your contest highlights?
1st at DB pro/am am division, 1st Virgin River Classic 1st in 16-18 division, 1st in pro division lakeside rail jam, 4th place pro at Skimfest
Do you have any sponsors? What companies?
I ride for Dashboards Skimboards, Wired Energy Drinks, Extreme Outdoor Supply and Cloud Nine Clothing.
What other board sports do you partake in?
I wakeskate thats pretty much it
What skimboarding goals do you have?
Get kickflips dialed, become a more dialed rider overall, wear baggier clothes and win Skimfes.t
Where do you see the skimboarding going in the future?
Pretty much the same direction that wakeskating is going and the direction that skateboarding did go.
What riders influenced your skimboarding?
My skimboarding? Matt Ratoni, Isaac Thomas, pretty much everyone I ride with.
What riders are pushing the sport right now?
Matt Ratoni, Isaac Thomas, that one Australian guy that jumps over the cones.
If you were stranded on a desert island that already has a plentiful resource of skimboards what three things would you bring?
Kim Kardashian, microwave and a lifetime supply of hot pockets.
What is the best advice you can to a skim grom trying to get recognized?
Don’t wear clothes, everyone notices a naked dude